Post-Operative Instruction Sheet
After Surgery:
- Some discomfort is common the first few days of surgery.
- The surgical site should be kept dry for the first 24 hours after surgery.
- If you have a mastoid dressing covering the surgical site, you may remove it completely after the first 24 hours. Apply a light covering of antibiotic ointment 2 times a day for no more than 5 days to any visible incisions.
- You should make plans to rest at home and limit your activities as much as possible for the first 7 days following surgery. Dizziness the first few days after surgery may occur and will resolve with time. You can advance your diet as tolerated.
- It is important not to take aspirin or aspirin containing medications for a period of one week following your surgery. Motrin, Advil, Aleve and Indocin should also be avoided.
- It is important not to bend, strain, stoop or lift more than 15 pounds, take part in exercise or vigorous activity for a period of 2 weeks following your surgery.
- Take all the medications as prescribed and directed by your doctor.
- Brownish drainage from the ear canal is common and expected after surgery. If the drainage becomes purulent, please call the office. Please call the office if you note prolonged bright red bleeding, swelling or redness behind the ear.
- Don’t blow your nose for the first 14 days. After that, you can begin to lightly blow your nose.
- Keep the operated ear dry. It is important that water not be allowed to enter the ear canal, especially the first 2 weeks after surgery. If water inadvertently enters the ear canal, allow the water to drain and apply ½ dropper of the medicated eardrops.
If questions or problesm arise, call the office at (458) 205-6500 or 1-866-314-9740.